5 things to always have for adventure

Proper planning is essential for any adventure, but even then, one has to be ready for the unexpected and be as prepared as possible. Because one cannot foresee every problem ahead, I put together a small list of five things I make sure to have on me while travelling in adventure. This list, as anything, […]

Mulege: Practice makes perfect?

September 17th – 21st, 2014 ($1420 mxn) Punta Abreojos (220km) Does practice truly make perfect? Well, not really, but it certainly makes you better. Such was Dominic’s case in fixing flat tires on his motorcycle. We left Bahia Tortugas after the bad weather passed and continued south close to the coast on dirt roads until […]

Tortugas Bay: Great place to be stranded

September 16th – 17th, 2014 ($703 mxn) Bahia Tortugas Finding a good place to eat in a town you are not familiar with is not always easy. We rode early into Bahia Tortugas, a humble small town with mostly unpaved narrow streets, where life seems to go by very slow, and most everyone knows each […]

Malarrimo: Liquor for breakfast

Photo by: Hobo Moto

September 14th, 2014 ($252mxn) Malarrimo  (50Km-ish) Liquor for breakfast? Generally not, but if it’s a liquor bottle found at Malarrimo, count me in for a drink of victory! As with most days when camping, I woke up with the sun, it was early and Malarrimo beach, along with the countless lost cargo it promised, was […]

Malarrimo: Whiskey, shoes, and bonfires!

September 13th, 2014 ($851 mxn) Road to Bahia Tortugas (275Km) “Half a palapa, half price!” I proposed to the elderly couple who lived at the Restaurante as we were leaving San Francisquito that morning. Technically, we camped on the beach and, to my understanding, beaches are public in Mexico. It becomes a tricky situation, as […]

San Francisquito: A rusted bench and half a palapa

September 11, 2014 ($335 mxn) Bahia de los Angeles – San Francisquito (140km) So far, I had enjoyed the calm waters of the Sea of Cortez and our stay at Bahia de los Angeles, but we were ready to continue on South, towards new adventures with limited knowledge of the places to come. That morning, […]

Bahia de los Angeles: Best chilaquiles ever

September 10, 2014 – ($499 mxn) Bahia de los Angeles From small, cozy towns to big maze-like cities, each one has an intangible characteristic to it, an atmosphere one perceives. It cannot be seen, only felt. Bahia de los Angeles had a warm and friendly atmosphere of a small fishing town, and walking the main […]

Bahia de los Angeles: Moctezuma’s Revenge

September 8, 2014 ($0.00 mxn) San Jose de las Palomas (0 km) When I plan a vacation, I usually have a day to day itinerary, with places to be and things to do, there’s hardly any time for sleep, much less a nap under the tanning sun. That description, though, did not fit the schedule […]

San Jose de las Palomas: When It Rains It Pours

September 7, 2014 ($330mxn) Punta Baja – San Jose de las Palomas (220km) I am a Registered Nurse, not a meteorologist, for good reason. While filling up at gas stations, I often overheard others talking about hurricane season and Hurricane Norbert, which apparently was hitting land some distance south of our current position. It was […]

Punta San Jose: Hurry up and take your time!

September 6, 2014 ($425mxn) Punta San Jose – Punta Baja (260km) The next morning, as I enjoyed warm oatmeal, I leaned back on my camp chair, contemplating the vast Pacific Ocean laying before me just beyond that cliff we camped on top of, and realized the lack of pressure and stress I felt to be […]